Sharing tacit knowledge in public sector :

assessing local administrators’ perspectives in Bangladesh


  • Arjuman Naziz Jahangirnagar University



tacit knowledge, trust, public sector, local government, hierarchy


Tacit knowledge – experiences, skills, judgment and even intuition of the employees – as organizational resource, has recently gained significant attention from the organizational researchers. While such knowledge is difficult to identify, exhibit and describe, it can often determine the manner in which public administrators implement public policies. Taking a qualitative strategy of enquiry, this paper aims at identifying the pattern of tacit knowledge sharing among the local government officials in Bangladesh. The key findings suggest that majority of the local government officials are aware of the significance of tacit knowledge. Trust, both cognition-based trust and affect-based trust, determine their knowledge sharing behaviour. The ‘senior-junior’ relationship within the hierarchal structure is perceived to be the key channel of tacit knowledge transfer. In the context of inadequate formal sharing channels, officials perceived trainings to be the key formal mechanism of tacit knowledge sharing within public sector organizations in Bangladesh.

Author Biography

  • Arjuman Naziz, Jahangirnagar University

    Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.




How to Cite

Sharing tacit knowledge in public sector : : assessing local administrators’ perspectives in Bangladesh. (2021). Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 29(2), 87-101.