Facebook-Based Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges


  • Tahsina Tabassum




entrepreneur, e-commerce, social network, women entrepreneurship


This paper aspires to analyze how social networking website Facebook is encouraging women in online
based entrepreneurship. The study tries to uphold the scenario of online women entrepreneur as their
participation is noticeable. To explore the opportunities and challenges of Facebook-based women
entrepreneurship in Bangladesh by establishing research questions regarding; what are the factors that
stand as success factors for women while operating Facebook-based online business? Is there any barrier
while operating with it? The study adopts a quantitative research approach followed by conclusive
descriptive research design. To collect the data from the respondents, a questionnaire link was uploaded
in "Google form" and send to their messenger. ‘Descriptive statics', ‘KMO & Bartlett's test '&‘factor
analysis' has been used to identify their demographic profile, success factors & barriers of operating
their online business through Facebook. Nine main clusters of success factors (personal and relationship
competencies, work-life balance, management, sourcing, entrepreneurial competencies, interpersonal
competencies, internal motivation, passion, ease of operation) & barriers were identified, upon which
delivery, competition, imported material, and customer interaction barrier stood ahead. This study is the
first to offer a survey regarding Facebook-based online women entrepreneur in Bangladesh. Looking at
the success and barrier factors, women can dream of being an entrepreneur online. Women, who already
stepped toward the business can find an idea to tighten their action








How to Cite

Facebook-Based Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges. (2019). Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 26(2). https://doi.org/10.36609/bjpa.v26i2.22